Staking it forward in the Star Atlas Metaverse

Star Dust Economy
4 min readFeb 8, 2022

I exchanged 2 weeks of ATLAS tokens for 7 Coffees, 7 Food items and 14 Meals. With a Star Atlas fleet of ships I saved enough yield to do this for my local community. I could have put this yield into more ships and from a numbers perspective that would have made more sense. The numbers can come later because now I am on a diferent kind of mission. A healthy economy is not merely the exchange of tokens or the pursuit of optimal yield. A healthy economy is one with a community that supports a sustainable world and one which creates oppourtunity for everybody regardless of social status or wealth.

On the House and Staking it Forward

Our mission is to create a space for people to be known, loved and valued…

Sign me up for this mission!

When I was a kid I gravitated toward people of need. We grew up in a place where we had little but surrounded by a community which gave alot. Without community I would not have gone to university, I would not have gained employment and would certainly not be the person I am today. I have lived, inspired by others generosity and understand that it comes in many forms. I have practiced giving in its many forms but this new metaverse has me the most excited about giving I have ever been.

With my knowledge and skills in economics and analytics I have built Star Dust Economy founded on the notion of giving transparency to the underlying data of the metaverse to those who are tired of spreadsheets or need access to data feeds to help more informed decisions.

In a previous article I spoke about the giving economy over a few weeks I have experimented with giving in this community, involved myself in ship giveaway for those in need, published an online data visual platform to help people find value in the markets and now inspired by StarAtlasLife on twitter have given away physical resources to my local community. I will continue to stake it forward on a regular basis and explore various ways of giving.

Stake it forward by StarAtlasLife

Giving is not just about donating ‘things’ or ‘stuff’ but going out in the real world and transcending the metaverse is a wonderful idea. Most of my giving comes in the form of sharing knowledge, skills or helping out others new to the metaverse. You will see me on the Star Atlas discord server looking for a chance to help new community members. Reach out and say Hi! The best kind of giving is when you truly know what your good at and can put it to use within a community without expecting anything in return.

Today it seems that people struggle even more and many do not come forward for help. I believe that there is a movement forming in the metaverse, a place where NFT sales are through the roof and value is exchanged with the click of a button. With this kind of wealth floating around the metaverse there is an oppourtunity to harness resources and promote positive change.

Can the metaverse provide employment for those in need?

Just last week I listened to a podcast which described the metaverse changing our very notion of ‘work’. Transitioning work into virtual worlds where your performing skills like piloting, engineering, janitorial or entertainment. A borderless economy which may look like a game on the outside but actually is a thriving employment platform for many around the world. Its exciting to ponder how one might encourage those in the community struggling to find work to give it a try.

You can choose a dual path of optimal yield and stronger community. On this path you can stake it forward and together we forge a better economy out of the star dust.

If you want to be apart of this movement its easy #StakeItForward on Twitter tag us and make it clear how you will give today!

Until next time fellow givers!



Star Dust Economy

Decrypting adventures set in a future metaverse inspired by @StarAtlas and a data runner called Shinobi